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North Texas police officer being spotlighted after helping deliver woman's baby inside home

As any parent knows, babies come when they are ready, not the parents.
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SANSOM PARK, Texas — A Sansom Park police officer was in the right place at the right time for an expectant mother. Her newborn baby was ready to enter the world and didn't plan on waiting.

Officer Hayes helped deliver the baby Thursday night after receiving a 911 call about a woman in labor inside her home, according to a news release.

Police said Officer Hayes responded to the call and arrived at the home before paramedics. Upon arrival, she found the mother in active labor bleeding profusely with the newborn baby lying across her stomach. 

According to the release, "Officer Hayes being a mother herself, knew that clearing the baby’s airways and stimulating the baby to breathe was a priority at this point, as well as controlling the bleeding from mom and baby."

Officer Hayes realized the umbilical cord was cut prematurely, causing both the mother and baby to bleed at an alarming rate. 

Using her bare hands, Officer Hayes applied pressure to stop the bleeding. The newborn's grandmother managed to apply nylon bands to both ends of the cord while Hayes held steady pressure. 

Once Officer Hayes gained control of the bleeding, she encouraged the mother to continue with the birthing process. 

"The mother and the baby stayed responsive through the entire ordeal," according to the release.

Shortly after paramedics arrived, both mom and baby were taken to a nearby hospital.

Police said the family's information was not released due to privacy concerns.

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