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'Andrea really loves her younger brother': A perfect forever home for Wednesday's Child 15-year-old Andrea would include her 12-year-old brother Alex

Alex and Andrea are currently separated in foster care and living in two different cities.

DALLAS — Simple is best. This is especially true with Wednesday's Child 15-year-old Andrea and 12-year-old Alex.

Both are on the autism spectrum and enjoy the simpler things in life.

Andrea and Alex are currently living in two separate foster homes, but their advocates want the siblings adopted together.

Sometimes the little moments are so big. We saw this firsthand with 15-year-old Andrea at We Rock the Spectrum Kids Gym in Dallas. When Andrea got on a swing, her excitement and laughter roared in the building.

"I've never seen her so playful and wanting to get on the swing and just swing and laughing and that was so wonderful to see," said Eduardo Villanueva. He is Andrea's court-appointed special advocate.

She was in the swing of things and enjoying every moment.

"She can say hello. She can say goodbye. She can recognize people. Even just coming in here. She saw me and came over and said hi," said Villanueva.

"She's been in care for quite a few years. For about seven years," he said about the urgency to find a loving forever family for Andrea and her 12-year-old brother Alex. 

They are primarily non-verbal but know how to communicate their needs with their foster families.

"Her brother Alex is also a character. He's not as high-functioning as Andrea. He loves to walk around on his tippee toes," said Villanueva.

Alex and Andrea are currently separated in foster care and living in two different cities. It's something their advocates hope is only temporary.

"Andrea really loves her younger brother. When she sees him, she just runs up and gives him a hug," said Villanueva.

He says while a family who knows about working with children with autism is ideal, it's not necessary. Love is what is necessary.

"They need a family that's loving, that's understanding and that can be adaptable and teach them new skills."

Villanueva says although Andrea and Alex will need lifelong care, they will never stop learning.

"She's learned new skills on how to wake herself. How to dress herself in the morning. How to go pick out her own snacks in the afternoons," he said.

Both children are sweet, loving and in need of a family who can provide understanding, patience, and love.

In return, Andrea and Alex are going to fill a home with the purest of joy.

If you are interested in adopting Alex and Andrea, please Call EMPOWER – (833) 7FOSTER press * or email wednesdayschild@3empower.org. Please make sure to write Alex and Andrea's names within the subject line.

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